Source code for pyMelt.geosettings

Geological Settings

The geological settings module provides the classes required for extracting setting-specific
information from the melting columns, e.g., the crustal thickness and average melt composition
at a spreading centre.


import numpy as _np
import pandas as _pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as _plt
from copy import copy as _copy
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d as _interp1d
from scipy.integrate import trapz as _trapz
from warnings import warn as _warn

import pyMelt.chemistry as _chemistry

[docs]def weighting_expdecay(P, weighting_wavelength, weighting_amplitude=1.0): """ Weights melts according to an exponential decay function, with the greatest weighting at the base of the melting region, and zero weighting at the top. Parameters ---------- P : numpy.array or pandas.Series The complete set of pressure values for the melting region. weighting_wavelength : float The wavelength of the exponential decay (applied to pressures normalised to vary between 0 and 1). weighting_amplitude : float, default: 1.0 The amplitude of the exponential function. """ Pmax = _np.max(P) Pmin = _np.min(P) w = weighting_amplitude * _np.exp(- 1 / weighting_wavelength * (Pmax - P) / (Pmax - Pmin)) return w
[docs]class geoSetting(object): """ Base clase for geological settings. Parameters ---------- MeltingColumn : pyMelt.meltingcolumn_classes.MeltingColumn The melting column from which to construct the geological setting. weightingFunction : function or None, default: None A function used to apply an additional weighting to melts during homogenisation, perhaps for simulating the behaviour of active upwelling. The result from the function will be added to the triangular weighting applied already. The function must take the melting region pressures (as a numpy array or pandas Series) as its first argument, any other arguments will be passed in kwargs. Attributes ---------- MeltingColumn : pyMelt.meltingcolumn_classes.MeltingColumn The melting column from which the geological setting was constructed lithologies : dict Dictionary containing the DataFrames of the states of each lithology during melting. mantle : pyMelt.Mantle The mantle object from which the melting column was calculated. """ def __init(self, MeltingColumn, weightingFunction=None, **kwargs): self.MeltingColumn = MeltingColumn self.lithologies = MeltingColumn.lithologies self.mantle = MeltingColumn.mantle self.weightingFunction = weightingFunction self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def crystallisationChemistry(self, mineralProportions, fractionate=True, D=_chemistry.defaultD): """ Calculates the concentrations of elements in the homogenised magma following an interval of crystallisation. Parameters ---------- fractionate : bool, default: True If True, the calculation will follow fractional crystallisation. mineralProportions: dict The proportions of each mineral, relative to the system total (1.0). The minerals must have the same name as used in the D argument. If the default partition coefficients are used the mineral labels are olv, cpx, opx, plg, spn, grt. D : pandas.DataFrame, default: pyMelt.chemistry.defaultD The partition coefficients for each element and mineral. Columns are minerals, rows are elements. Returns ------- pandas.Series The concentrations of the trace elements in the evolved melt. """ X = 1 - sum(mineralProportions.values()) Dbulk = _pd.Series(index=self.chemistry.index, data=[0] * len(self.chemistry)) for mineral in mineralProportions: Dbulk += mineralProportions[mineral] * D[mineral] / (1 - X) if fractionate is True: evolved_chemistry = self.chemistry * X ** (Dbulk - 1.0) else: evolved_chemistry = self.chemistry / (X * (1 - Dbulk) + Dbulk) return evolved_chemistry
[docs] def plotSpider(self, normalisation='PM', plot_instantaneous=False, plot_original=True, crystal_fraction=None, element_order=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a basic spider diagram of the chemical composition, optionally alongside the instantaneous melts and/or an evolved melt. Parameters ---------- normalisation : dict or str, default: 'PM' How to normalise the values. To use the built in default options pass a string: - 'PM' gives the Primitive Mantle of Palme and O'Neill (2013) - 'CI' gives the chondritic composition of Palme and O'Neill (2013) - 'DM' gives the depleted mantle composition of Workman and Hart (2005) Otherwise, pass a dict of elements (keys) and their concentrations. plot_instantaneous : bool, default: False Plot the range of the instantaneous melts (or accumulated melts at each step) as a field. plot_original : bool, default: True Plot the original homogenised chemistry. crystal_fraction : None or dict, default: None Plot an evolved melt having crystallised crystals in the proportions passed. If using non-default options for geoSetting.crystallisationChemistry() pass these as additional arguments element_order : None or list, default: None Use to adjust the order of the elements, otherwise they will be given in the order of the chemistry attribute. Returns ------- matplotlib.figure, matplotlib.axes """ f, a = _plt.subplots(dpi=150) default_norms = {'PM': _chemistry.palme13_pm, 'CI': _chemistry.palme13_ci, 'DM': _chemistry.workman05_dmm} if isinstance(normalisation, str): normalisation = default_norms[normalisation] if element_order is None: element_order = list(self.chemistry.keys()) if plot_instantaneous is True: normed_hi = [] normed_lo = [] for el in element_order: hi = 0.0 lo = 1e16 for lith in self.MeltingColumn.lithologies: lithmax = _np.max(self.MeltingColumn.lithologies[lith][el]) lithmin = _np.min(self.MeltingColumn.lithologies[lith][el]) if lithmax > hi: hi = lithmax if lithmin < lo: lo = lithmin normed_hi.append(hi / normalisation[el]) normed_lo.append(lo / normalisation[el]) a.fill_between(range(len(element_order)), normed_lo, normed_hi, alpha=0.2) if plot_original is True: normed = [] for el in element_order: normed.append(self.chemistry[el] / normalisation[el]) a.plot(range(len(element_order)), normed) if crystal_fraction is not None: unnormed = self.crystallisationChemistry(crystal_fraction, **kwargs) normed = [] for el in element_order: normed.append(unnormed[el] / normalisation[el]) a.plot(range(len(element_order)), normed) a.set_yscale('log') a.set_xticks(range(len(element_order))) a.set_xticklabels(element_order) a.set_ylabel('Normalised concentration') return f, a
def _weighting_coefficients(self, P, empty_value=0.0): """ Calculates the weighting coefficients, or returns 0 if no weighting function is supplied. Parameters ---------- P : numpy.array or pandas.Series The complete set of pressure values for the melting region. """ if self.weightingFunction is not None: weights = self.weightingFunction(P, **self.kwargs) else: weights = _np.full(_np.shape(P), empty_value) return weights
[docs]class spreadingCentre(geoSetting): """ Implementation of a spreading centre, representing either mid-ocean ridge spreading or continental rift spreading. The crustal thickness is calculated assuming a triangular melting region. Parameters ---------- MeltingColumn : pyMelt.meltingcolumn_classes.MeltingColumn The melting column from which to construct the geological setting. P_lithosphere : float, default: 0.0 The pressure at the base of the lithosphere in a continental rift. If this includes the igneous crust, set `extract_melt` to True. Defaults to 0.0, the case of a a mid-ocean ridge. extract_melt : bool, default: False Should integration continue beyond the calculated igneous crustal thickness (+ lithosphere)? Set to False for modelling a mid-ocean ridge. steps: int or None, default: 10001 The number of steps over which to perform the crustal thickness calculation. If None, the same number of steps as the melting calculation will be used. Otherwise, the melting results will be interpolated over the new number of steps. This primarily controls how finely the crustal thickness is determined, i.e., the size of the P overstep in obtaining the crustal thickness. weightingFunction : function or None, default: None A function used to apply an additional weighting to melts during homogenisation, perhaps for simulating the behaviour of active upwelling. The result from the function will be added to the triangular weighting applied already. The function must take the melting region pressures (as a numpy array or pandas Series) as its first argument, any other arguments will be passed in kwargs. Attributes ---------- MeltingColumn : pyMelt.meltingcolumn_classes.MeltingColumn The melting column from which the geological setting was constructed lithologies : dict Dictionary containing the DataFrames of the states of each lithology during melting. mantle : pyMelt.Mantle The mantle object from which the melting column was calculated. P_lithosphere : float The pressure at the base of the lithosphere. tc : float The crustal thickness, in km. P_base_of_crust : float The pressure at the base of the crust, in GPa. lithology_contributions : pandas.Series The relative contributions of each lithology to the pooled melt. chemistry : pandas.Series The homogenised melt composition """ def __init__(self, MeltingColumn, P_lithosphere=0.0, extract_melt=False, steps=10001, weightingFunction=None, **kwargs): self.MeltingColumn = MeltingColumn self.lithologies = _copy(MeltingColumn.lithologies) self.mantle = MeltingColumn.mantle self.P = _copy(self.MeltingColumn.P) self.T = _copy(self.MeltingColumn.T) self.F = _copy(self.MeltingColumn.F) self.P_lithosphere = P_lithosphere self.weightingFunction = weightingFunction self.kwargs = kwargs # These will be set by the `integrate_tri` method. = None self.P_base_of_crust = None self.lithology_contributions = None # This will be set by the _homogenise_chemistry method. self.chemistry = None # Do the integrations for a spreading centre self._integrate_tri(P_lithosphere, extract_melt, steps=steps) self._homogenise_chemistry() # Remove melts from the column that would have never been produced if extract_melt is False: self.F = self.F[self.P > self.P_base_of_crust] self.T = self.T[self.P > self.P_base_of_crust] for lith in self.lithologies: self.lithologies[lith] = self.lithologies[lith][self.P > self.P_base_of_crust] self.P = self.P[self.P > self.P_base_of_crust] else: self.F = self.F[self.P > self.P_lithosphere] self.T = self.T[self.P > self.P_lithosphere] for lith in self.lithologies: self.lithologies[lith] = self.lithologies[lith][self.P > self.P_lithosphere] self.P = self.P[self.P > self.P_lithosphere] def _integrate_tri(self, P_base_existingLith=0.0, extract_melt=False, steps=1001): """ Perform an integration over the melting region, assuming it is triangular and passively upwelling. Parameters ---------- P_base_existingLith : float, default: 0.0 The pressure at the base of any pre-existing lithosphere. The calculated thickness will be added to this value. Set to 0.0 for mid-ocean ridges, set to non-zero for continental rifting. extract_melt : bool, default: False If set to True, the melts will be extracted from the system. If False (default) the melt produced is added to the top of the melting column, and the calculation will stop once the pressure exerted from the newly made crust is equal to the pressure in the calculation step. Returns ------- float The crustal thickness where the pressure exerted from the produced crust equals the pressure of melting. """ rho = self.mantle.bulkProperties()['rho'] g = 9.81 # Calculate the contributions to tc (without additional weighting) tc = 1.0 / (rho * g * 1e3) * self.MeltingColumn.F / (1.0 - self.MeltingColumn.F) # Do the same for the individual lithologies Flith = _pd.DataFrame() for i in range(self.mantle.number_lithologies): Flith[self.mantle.names[i]] = self.lithologies[self.mantle.names[i]].F tc_lith = (1.0 / (rho * g * 1e3) * Flith * self.mantle.proportions / (1.0 - _np.tile(self.F, [self.mantle.number_lithologies, 1]).T)) if steps is None: P = self.P tc_lith = tc_lith.to_numpy() else: interp_f = _interp1d(self.P, tc) interp_lith = [] for i in range(self.mantle.number_lithologies): interp_lith.append(_interp1d(self.P, tc_lith[self.mantle.names[i]])) P = _np.linspace(_np.nanmax(self.P), _np.nanmin(self.P), steps) tc = _np.zeros(_np.shape(P)[0]) for i in range(len(P)): tc[i] = interp_f(P[i]) tc_lith = _np.zeros([_np.shape(P)[0], self.mantle.number_lithologies]) for i in range(self.mantle.number_lithologies): for j in range(_np.shape(P)[0]): tc_lith[j, i] = interp_lith[i](P[j]) weights = self._weighting_coefficients(_np.array(P)) tc_int = _np.zeros(_np.shape(P)[0]) tc_lith_int = _np.zeros([_np.shape(P)[0], _np.shape(tc_lith)[1]]) tc_intP = _np.zeros(_np.shape(P)[0]) tc_found = False P_basecrust = False tc_lith_found = False for i in range(_np.shape(P)[0]): if i != 0: tc_int[i] = (tc_int[i - 1] + 0.5 * (tc[i] + tc[i - 1]) * (_np.abs(P[i] - P[i - 1]) + weights[i])) tc_lith_int[i] = (tc_lith_int[i - 1] + 0.5 * tc_lith[i] * (_np.abs(P[i] - P[i - 1]) + weights[i])) tc_intP[i] = tc_int[i] * rho * g * 1e3 if (extract_melt is False and tc_intP[i] + P_base_existingLith > P[i] and tc_found is False): tc_found = tc_int[i] P_basecrust = P[i] tc_lith_found = tc_lith_int[i] elif (extract_melt is True and (i == _np.shape(P)[0] - 1 or P_base_existingLith > P[i]) and tc_found is False): tc_found = tc_int[i] P_basecrust = P[i] tc_lith_found = tc_lith_int[i] = tc_found * 1e6 self.P_base_of_crust = P_basecrust lith_cont = tc_lith_found / sum(tc_lith_found) self.lithology_contributions = {} for i, lith in zip(range(self.mantle.number_lithologies), self.mantle.names): self.lithology_contributions[lith] = lith_cont[i] def _homogenise_chemistry(self): """ Homogenises the melt compositions according to a triangular melting region. """ # Find the elements which all melting lithologies have: first_lithology = True species = [] for lith in self.mantle.names: if first_lithology is False and self.lithology_contributions[lith] > 0: specieslith = list(self.lithologies[lith].columns)[3:] species = [s for s in species if s in specieslith] elif first_lithology is True and self.lithology_contributions[lith] > 0: species = list(self.lithologies[lith].columns)[3:] first_lithology = False weights = self._weighting_coefficients(self.MeltingColumn.P) if isinstance(weights, _np.ndarray) is False: weights = weights.to_numpy() cm = _np.zeros([len(species)]) for lith in self.mantle.names: if self.lithology_contributions[lith] > 0: # Get the chemistry for the lithology c = self.lithologies[lith][species] # Convert it a numpy array c = c.to_numpy() # Change nans to 0.0 to avoid affecting summation c = _np.nan_to_num(c, nan=0.0) # Get the melt fractions for the lithology f = self.lithologies[lith].F.to_numpy() # If instantaneous melts, need to pool over columns first for j in range(len(species)): if self.MeltingColumn._species_calc_type[lith][j] == 'instantaneous': cnormed = _np.zeros(_np.shape(c)[0]) df = f[1:] - f[: - 1] for i in range(_np.shape(c)[0] - 1): if f[i] > 0 and f[i - 1] > 0: cnormed[i + 1] = (_np.sum(0.5 * (c[1:i + 1, j] + c[0:i, j]) * df[:i], axis=0) / f[i]) elif f[i] > 0: cnormed[i + 1] = (_np.sum(c[1:i + 1, j] * df[:i], axis=0) / f[i]) else: cnormed[i + 1] = 0 c[:, j] = cnormed # Normalise melts for this lithology c = _trapz((1 + weights[:, None]) * c * f[:, None] / (1.0 - f[:, None]), self.lithologies[lith]['P'].to_numpy()[:], axis=0) c = c / _trapz((1 + weights) * f / (1 - f), self.lithologies[lith]['P'].to_numpy()) # Normalise melts for all lithologies cm += c * self.lithology_contributions[lith] self.chemistry = _pd.Series(cm, species)
[docs] def meltCrystallisationT(self, ShallowMeltP=None, MeltStorageP=None, liqdTdP=39.16): """ Identifies the crystallisation temperature of the deepest and shallowest melts, according to the technique used by Matthews et al. (2016). Parameters ---------- ShallowMeltP : float or None, default: None The pressure (in GPa) at which the shallowest melt should be extracted. If set to None (as is default) this will be taken as the base of the crust. If integration has not been performed, this will result in an error. MeltStorageP : float, default: None The pressure at which crystallisation is happening. If set to False (as is default), the base of the crust will be used. If triangular integration has not been done, this will result in an error. liqdTdP : float, default: 39.16 The clapeyron slope of the liquidus (K GPa-1), the default value is 39.16, from equation (15) of Putirka (2008). Returns ------- float The minimum crystallisation temperature (degC) float The maximum crystallisation temperature (degC) """ # Set crystallisation Pressure if MeltStorageP is None: MeltStorageP = self.P_base_of_crust if ShallowMeltP is None: ShallowMeltP = self.P_base_of_crust T_crystallisation = self.T - (self.P - MeltStorageP) * liqdTdP DeepMeltTcrys = {} for l in self.mantle.names: if (self.lithologies[l].F > 0).any(): FirstMeltRow = self.lithologies[l].F[self.lithologies[l].F > 0].idxmin() DeepMeltTcrys[l] = T_crystallisation.iloc[FirstMeltRow] else: DeepMeltTcrys[l] = _np.nan TcrysMax = _np.nanmax(list(DeepMeltTcrys.values())) LastMeltRow = self.P[self.P > ShallowMeltP].idxmin() TcrysMin = T_crystallisation.iloc[LastMeltRow] return TcrysMin, TcrysMax
[docs]class intraPlate(geoSetting): """ Implementation of an intra-plate volcanic province, representing mantle upwelling beneath lithosphere. The melt flux is calculated assuming flow in a deformable plume conduit (Turcotte and Schubert, 2002). At present a constant rate of decompression throughout the conduit is assumed, likely leading to inaccuracies in the estimated melt chemistry. Parameters ---------- MeltingColumn : pyMelt.meltingcolumn_classes.MeltingColumn The melting column from which to construct the geological setting. P_lithosphere : float, default: 0.0 The pressure at the base of the lithosphere in a continental rift. If this includes the igneous crust, set `extract_melt` to True. Defaults to 0.0, the case of a a mid-ocean ridge. relative_density : float or None, default: None The value of (ambient-density - plume-density) in kg m-3. viscosity : float, default: 1e19 The viscosity of the mantle plume in Pa s. Default value is 1e19 Pa s, after Shorttle et al. (2014). radius : float, default: 1e5 The plume radius in m. Default is 1e5 m (or 100 km), after Shorttle et al. (2014). weighting_function : function or None A function of pressure allowing non-uniform weighting of melts throughout the melting region. Useful for simulating active upwelling, for example. Attributes ---------- MeltingColumn : pyMelt.meltingcolumn_classes.MeltingColumn The melting column from which the geological setting was constructed lithologies : dict Dictionary containing the DataFrames of the states of each lithology during melting. mantle : pyMelt.Mantle The mantle object from which the melting column was calculated. P_lithosphere : float The pressure at the base of the lithosphere. melt_flux : float or None If the melt flux has been calculated, it will be stored here, in m3 s-1. lithology_contributions : dict The relative contributions of each lithology to the pooled melt. chemistry : pandas.Series The homogenised melt composition """ def __init__(self, MeltingColumn, P_lithosphere, relative_density=None, viscosity=1e19, radius=1e5, weightingFunction=None, **kwargs): self.MeltingColumn = MeltingColumn self.lithologies = _copy(MeltingColumn.lithologies) self.P_lithosphere = P_lithosphere self.mantle = MeltingColumn.mantle self.P = _copy(self.MeltingColumn.P) self.T = _copy(self.MeltingColumn.T) self.F = _copy(self.MeltingColumn.F) self.weightingFunction = weightingFunction self.kwargs = kwargs # Remove melts that are produced more shallow than the base of the lithosphere self.F = self.F[self.P > self.P_lithosphere] self.T = self.T[self.P > self.P_lithosphere] for lith in self.lithologies: self.lithologies[lith] = self.lithologies[lith][self.P > self.P_lithosphere] self.P = self.P[self.P > self.P_lithosphere] # Extract the lithology contributions: self.lithology_contributions = {} for lith in self.mantle.names: id = self.mantle.names.index(lith) self.lithology_contributions[lith] = (_np.nanmax(self.lithologies[lith].F) * self.mantle.proportions[id] / _np.nanmax(self.F)) # Calculate the melt flux. if relative_density is not None: self.melt_flux = self.calcMeltFlux(relative_density, viscosity, radius) else: self.melt_flux = None self.chemistry = None self._homogenise_chemistry()
[docs] def calcMeltFlux(self, relative_density, viscosity, radius): r""" Calculates the melt flux for given plume conduit parameters. Assumes a deformable conduit with constant upwelling velocity, after Turcotte & Schubert (2002). Parameters ---------- relative_density : float The value of (plume-density - ambient-density) in kg m-3. viscosity : float The viscosity of the mantle plume in Pa s. Default value is 1e19 Pa s, after Shorttle et al. (2014). radius : float The plume radius in m. Default is 1e5 m (or 100 km), after Shorttle et al. (2014). Notes ----- The volume flux is obtained from the equation: .. math:: Q_v = \frac{\pi}{8} \frac{\Delta \rho g r^4}{\mu_p} Where :math:`\rho` is the density, :math:`g` is the acceleration due to gravity, :math:`r` is the plume conduit radius and :math:`\mu_p` is the viscosity of the plume. The melt flux is then obtained from: .. math:: Q_m = Q_v \times F Where :math:`F` is the total melt fraction obtained. """ Qv = _np.pi / 8 * (relative_density * 9.81 * radius**4) / viscosity if self.weightingFunction is None: Qm = Qv * self.F.max() else: w = self._weighting_coefficients(self.P, empty_value=1.0).to_numpy() # Create array to store weighted melt fractions for each lithology: weightedF = _np.zeros(len(self.mantle.names)) for i, lith in zip(range(len(self.mantle.names)), self.mantle.names): f = self.lithologies[lith].F.to_numpy() df = f[1:] - f[:-1] f_normed = (_np.sum(0.5 * df * (w[1:] + w[:-1]), axis=0)) weightedF[i] = f_normed # Now weight the melt fractions by the abundance of each lithology: totalF = _np.sum(weightedF * self.mantle.proportions) Qm = Qv * totalF return Qm
def _homogenise_chemistry(self): """ Homogenises the melt compositions. """ # Find the elements which all melting lithologies have: first_lithology = True species = [] for lith in self.mantle.names: if first_lithology is False and self.lithology_contributions[lith] > 0: specieslith = list(self.lithologies[lith].columns)[3:] species = [s for s in species if s in specieslith] elif first_lithology is True and self.lithology_contributions[lith] > 0: species = list(self.lithologies[lith].columns)[3:] first_lithology = False cm = _np.zeros([len(species)]) # Calculate the weighting for each melt w = self._weighting_coefficients(self.MeltingColumn.P, empty_value=1.0) if isinstance(w, _np.ndarray) is False: w = w.to_numpy() for lith in self.mantle.names: if self.lithology_contributions[lith] > 0: # Get the chemistry for the lithology c = self.lithologies[lith][species] # Convert it a numpy array c = c.to_numpy() # Change nans to 0.0 to avoid affecting summation c = _np.nan_to_num(c, nan=0.0) # Get the melt fractions for the lithology f = self.lithologies[lith].F.to_numpy() # If instantaneous melts, need to pool over columns first # If accumulated melts, the existing number at top of column will be used for j in range(len(species)): if self.MeltingColumn._species_calc_type[lith][j] == 'instantaneous': cnormed = _np.zeros(_np.shape(c)[0]) df = f[1:] - f[: - 1] for i in range(_np.shape(c)[0] - 1): if f[i] > 0 and f[i - 1] > 0: cnormed[i + 1] = (_np.sum(0.5 * (c[1:i + 1, j] + c[0:i, j]) * df[:i] * w[1:i + 1], axis=0) / _np.sum(df[:i] * w[1:i + 1])) elif f[i] > 0: cnormed[i + 1] = (_np.sum(c[1:i + 1, j] * df[:i] * w[1:i + 1], axis=0) / _np.sum(df[:i] * w[1:i + 1])) else: cnormed[i + 1] = 0 c[:, j] = cnormed # If accumulated melts are calculated but a weighting function exists elif self.weightingFunction is not None: _warn("Accumulated melts cannot be used with a weighting function for " " an intra-plate melting region.") c[:, j] = [_np.nan] * _np.shape(c)[0] # Normalise melts for all lithologies cm += c[-1, :] * self.lithology_contributions[lith] self.chemistry = _pd.Series(cm, species)
[docs] def meltCrystallisationT(self, ShallowMeltP=None, MeltStorageP=None, liqdTdP=39.16): """ Identifies the crystallisation temperature of the deepest and shallowest melts, according to the technique used by Matthews et al. (2016). Parameters ---------- ShallowMeltP : float or None, default: None The pressure (in GPa) at which the shallowest melt should be extracted. If set to None (as is default) this will be taken as the base of the crust. If integration has not been performed, this will result in an error. MeltStorageP : float, default: None The pressure at which crystallisation is happening. If set to False (as is default), the base of the crust will be used. If triangular integration has not been done, this will result in an error. liqdTdP : float, default: 39.16 The clapeyron slope of the liquidus (K GPa-1), the default value is 39.16, from equation (15) of Putirka (2008). Returns ------- float The minimum crystallisation temperature (degC) float The maximum crystallisation temperature (degC) """ # Set crystallisation Pressure if MeltStorageP is None: MeltStorageP = self.P_lithosphere if ShallowMeltP is None: ShallowMeltP = self.P_lithosphere T_crystallisation = self.T - (self.P - MeltStorageP) * liqdTdP DeepMeltTcrys = {} for l in self.mantle.names: if (self.lithologies[l].F > 0).any(): FirstMeltRow = self.lithologies[l].F[self.lithologies[l].F > 0].idxmin() DeepMeltTcrys[l] = T_crystallisation.iloc[FirstMeltRow] else: DeepMeltTcrys[l] = _np.nan TcrysMax = _np.nanmax(list(DeepMeltTcrys.values())) LastMeltRow = self.P[self.P > ShallowMeltP].idxmin() TcrysMin = T_crystallisation.iloc[LastMeltRow] return TcrysMin, TcrysMax return TcrysMin, TcrysMax