About pyMelt

pyMelt is an open-source python library for calculating the melting behaviour of the Earth’s mantle. The library implements the melting equations for multi-component mantle set out by Phipps Morgan (2001) alongside a number of melting models for lherzolite and pyroxenite lithologies.

How to Cite pyMelt

If you have used pyMelt in your research please cite the pyMelt paper published by Volcanica. To ensure reproducibility, please also note the version of the library you have used in your calculations.

You should also cite the individual pure-lithology melting models used in the calculation. See the models page for more information.


The pyMelt source code is available on github. The package is in continual development, see the branches labelled “dev” for the latest updates. If you spot a bug, or you have a feature request, please raise this as an issue on github.